Do I even need a Divorce Lawyer?
Everyone asks themselves all the time, “Do I really need this?” The questions obviously pops up more often the more something costs. Asking yourself that about an attorney is something you’ve probably done and countless others have done as well. You may be able to avoid hiring a divorce lawyer if you’re willing to commit to doing your research and if you meet some of these basic assumptions:
You and your spouse don’t own a home or have any major assets
There are NO children
You’ve maintained COMPLETELY separate bank accounts and credit accounts.
There are no taxes owed and you’re very unlikely to have your taxes audited from the years you were married.
You’re not looking for Alimony or Child support
The spouses are extremely detail oriented and committed to doing the research
If you satisfy all of the above criteria, you may be able to avoid hiring a divorce lawyer. Just keep in mind that Judges are not going to teach you how to file your own divorce case. When you walk into court, you are expected to know what to do and are not given an opportunity to learn how to file for divorce. That’s something you need to teach yourself in advance.
Let’s be honest, you probably need to hire an attorney. The legal system is so intricate and so many things can go wrong during a divorce that paying an expert shouldn’t be viewed as an expense as much as it is an investment in your future. You hire an experienced lawyer for the advice and expertise in making sure that your case is handled right, the first time. You even need an attorney in an uncontested divorce.
Because so many things can go wrong, even in an uncontested divorce, the experience your attorney brings is invaluable to making sure that you’re able to maintain a cordial relationship with your ex, especially if there’s kids involved. Don’t make the mistake that so many do when they think they can just do it on their own. Divorce, as with many aspects of the law, isn’t a DIY project. Even we hire lawyers when we need to do something that’s out of our wheelhouse.
You should think very carefully before you move forward without a lawyer. Any agreements you reach with your spouse and file with the court will be binding. Those binding agreements are often very costly to try to reverse.
Before you go it alone, remember that a divorce is one of the most significant legal proceedings that many people will ever go through. Do you really want to head into uncharted waters all by yourself?
If you and your spouse feel that your marriage is broken and you’re in need of the advice of a skilled and experienced uncontested divorce lawyer, contact the attorneys at Harmon and Gorove. Our firm has more than 35 years of experience helping people navigate the difficult path to divorce.