This is a very important question, especially from people that haven’t ever had the need to hire an attorney or who are considering bankruptcy for the very first time. Depending on where in the State of Georgia you reside, there can be any number of options. Finding a competent Georgia Bankruptcy Attorney is the most important factor in the outcome of your case. Below, we add a few bits of extra information to help you know that you have chosen the best lawyer for you that can help you navigate your way through the bankruptcy process successfully.
Finding the RIGHT Attorney
First, and most importantly, you want to make absolutely sure that the lawyer you choose is a SPECIALIST in bankruptcy law. We can’t possibly stress the importance of this enough. Much like medicine, the law is extremely specialized. Having an attorney who focuses on specific types of law allows them to have the kind of expertise you need in order to make sure your case is given the attention it deserves and has the outcome you want.
The United States Bankruptcy Code is second in complexity only to the United States Tax Code and thus, only an attorney who is a specialist in bankruptcy can possibly know all the ins and outs of the bankruptcy code of the United States and the specific laws of Georgia.
You have likely found several attorneys in your area that practice bankruptcy. The question is, how do you choose between them? Probably the most important attribute of the best bankruptcy attorneys are their timeliness. Because of the very strict timelines in the bankruptcy filing process and the large amounts of paperwork necessary, the lines of communication between you and your lawyer are very important. At Harmon and Gorove, we pride ourselves on responding to our clients’ most urgent needs quickly and providing expedient service to keep their case on track.
Aside from timeliness, you want to find a local bankruptcy attorney who is not only experienced in successfully filing bankruptcies, but who also has a good relationship with the bankruptcy trustees in your division. Because each bankruptcy division and judge can do things a little differently than the other courts, it pays significant dividends to have a team of lawyers that is highly knowledgeable about the workings of the court in which YOU will be filing for bankruptcy.
There are many ways to find a good lawyer who can help you file bankruptcy, which include getting in touch with your state bar association, the local bankruptcy court, or asking friends or family who have filed before. Another good way is to just drive around and see which bankruptcy offices are actually open every day. Many of the bankruptcy attorneys you see advertising in the area only have satellite offices that are rarely staffed and if you do hire them, you likely won’t see them after the initial consultation. Their attorneys work out of a centralized office somewhere in Atlanta and you definitely won’t see them walking through downtown, your kids won’t go to school with their kids and grandkids, and they won’t be at the high school football game on Friday night. Your attorney may not even show up at court with you, hiring a fill-in lawyer because you simply aren’t worth their time. Finding an attorney that doesn’t just come in to the community to take your money just makes sense. Our attorneys at Harmon and Gorove are specialists who deeply care about the success of each client’s case. OUR attorneys will be there, by your side, every step of the way. We answer our own phone, we give you our direct emails and WE show up at court with you.
If you are looking for an attorney to help you through the bankruptcy process, give us a call to schedule a free consultation and let us show you why we’re the BEST choice to help you through the bankruptcy process.